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National Bat Monitoring Programme

Welcome to the new online survey management and data entry pages for all of our surveys. We hope that these pages will help you to manage and add your sites, and to enter your data more easily. If you discover any bugs please report them to

Through the hard work and dedication of our volunteer network, BCT runs annual bat surveys across the UK to monitor the status of many of our bat species in a range of habitats: this is the National Bat Monitoring Programme. Monitoring bats is essential because many of our bat populations have suffered dramatic declines in the last century.

Since 1996 more than 3,000 volunteers have taken part in our surveys at over 5,800 sites around the UK. The data collected have already indicated population changes in some species but surveying needs to continue for many more years to help us understand long-term trends.

Anyone can take part in our surveys. We run surveys aimed at beginners as well as experts. We need you to help us continue to track how the UK's bat species are faring. Three long-term survey methods are used in the programme to monitor bat populations: counts at summer maternity roosts, counts at winter hibernation sites and bat detector surveys in the field. We are also now collecting bat monitoring data through Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) which involves installing static bat detectors in the field for several nights of recording.

The NBMP is run by the Bat Conservation Trust, in partnership with the Joint Nature Conservation Committee, and supported and steered by Natural England, Natural Resources Wales, NatureScot and Northern Ireland Environment Agency.

NBMP partner logos

Ringed Bat Database

From this website you will be able to upload single or bulk records, including records of rings being applied, and recaptures of bats with your own or others’ (control) rings. You can then view your records in list or map format, and download them.

This is also where to purchase rings. You will need to upload a valid licence for the rings you wish to purchase. Once the order is paid for and submitted, it will be reviewed along with the licence before its status moves from pending.

This database is not designed for those looking to get involved in ringing or gain experience. It is for the centralisation of records in accordance with EUROBATS Resolution No. 4.6, 2003. Click for more information on bat ringing.

Many thanks to the support, expertise, and funding from ringers and bat groups that helped this database to be realised.